This is a child theme of EF Practical, contained in themes/sw
This directory also contains functions.php which has the various functions required for running the site.
Backupwordpress – for making manual or scheduled backups of the site
Contact Form 7 – for an email contact form, not actively used at present (Dec 2018)
Easy Fancybox – for displaying popups
emObA – for obfuscating email addresses in pages
Loginiser – for preventing repeated login attempts. Came with the WP installation I think
Nav Menu Roles – to allow menu items to be available only to the Administrator. The Admin menu (right-hand column) holds all of the menu items of this type.
Tiny MCE advanced – gives a more sophisticated page editor
These are for running the site, and are all held in themes/sw/functions.php
The running of php is achieved by creating shortcodes in this file which allow access to the functions. NOTE that in these examples, the square brackets which are normally used has been replaced by ⌊ and ⌋ This prevents them actually being run when this page is displayed.
display_works – displays one or more works and can pass one of the following parameters (see here for when no parameters are passed):
catnos – one or more catalogue numbers eg ⌊display_works catnos=’181201,181202’⌋
category – display all works allocated to a category eg ⌊display_works category=’12’⌋ (see here for category names/numbers)
include_script – to include a script eg ⌊include_script scriptname=’this-script’⌋
Note that the name doesn’t require the ‘.php’ to be included – the function adds this.
All of these scripts are held in wp-content/themes/sw/scripts
Up to three parameters can be included for use in the script eg ⌊include_script scriptname=’this-script’ param_1=’wibble’ param_2=’wobble’ param_3=’wabble’⌋
Individual Pages
Search Results (page_id=151) – uses the script search(.php) with the POSTed data to search the works and wpni_posts tables.
Single Work (page_id=153) – uses the display_works function above getting one or more catalogue numbers from the GET data.
eg single-work/?catno=180301,180302 will display these two works.
Mostly used for single works, with only one catno passed.
Admin Pages – these are accessed from the Admin menu (right sidebar) which only appears for logged in administrators. They use several scripts which won’t run unless logged in as an admin. They each call a script sometimes with additional parameters.
All works are allocated to a category to aid display. These are:
1 | Solos |
2 | Duets |
3 | Trios |
4 | Quartets |
5 | Quintets |
6 | Sextets |
7 | Septets |
8 | Octets |
9 | Nonets |
10 | Dectets |
11 | Orchestra |
12 | Symphonies |