Piano Concerto No 1 (181202)
Sop, S, S, A, A, T, T, B, B, GtB, CtB

After finishing the symphony project I was looking for new directions and I realised that not only was the recorder orchestra capable of carrying Read more ...
1 - Allegro

Piano Concerto No 1

1 - Allegro

This is a computer-generated sound file -
it is not the same as an actual performance,
so why not find a performance, or better still,
buy the music and get a few friends together to play it !!!

2 - Andante

Piano Concerto No 1

2 - Andante

This is a computer-generated sound file -
it is not the same as an actual performance,
so why not find a performance, or better still,
buy the music and get a few friends together to play it !!!

3 - Allegro

Piano Concerto No 1

3 - Allegro

This is a computer-generated sound file -
it is not the same as an actual performance,
so why not find a performance, or better still,
buy the music and get a few friends together to play it !!!

After finishing the symphony project I was looking for new directions and I realised that not only was the recorder orchestra capable of carrying the symphonic argument in the manner of a big romantic symphony but  could also be used to accompany a soloist in the manner of the big romantic concerti.
This is the first piece in this series. This concerto owes much to the influence of Rachmaninov but the solo part while difficult is not as demanding as one of his concerti.